Brunswick, ME

One of the treasures of Brunswick, ME, is the birthplace of Gelato Fiasco. Whenever we are there for any business related to the Bowdoin International Music Festival, or during the six week summer festival season, you can find us there sometimes twice a day! And we're not alone. When the festival is in session, you can find any number of festival faculty or students at GF at practically all hours of the day. Flavors are delicious, they rotate frequently, there's a wide selection of sorbets and non-dairy options, and the staff will happily let you sample any (and as many as you want) flavor before you order. They also have a points club known as the "Red Spoon Society" where Dave and Phil are locked in a hotly-contested race to earn their first free Gelato Fiasco, a ridiculously over-the-top sundae consisting of some 20 scoops of gelato with all kinds of toppings.